Katherine Ung

Katherine Ung is a therapist that has been passionate about nutrition and colonic irrigation since 1999.

How to Prepare for a Great Colonic

In this article I will share with you the most important Do’s and Don’ts of how to prepare for a great colonic irrigation. So follow these tips for 1 to 3 days prior to your colon hydrotherapy treatment to maximise the results and benefit your health. Coming the the treatment fully hydrated and having eaten plenty of fresh vegetables can make all the difference. So if you want to clean out the junk, cut it out now and let’s make a fresh start!

10 Foods that Help Get Rid of Parasites

The ideal environment for parasites to live and grow in our bodies is promoted by a diet that includes refined carbohydrates (sugar), raw fish (sushi), undercooked meat (specifically pork) and even inadequately washed fruit and vegetables.
In this article you’ll learn a list of 10 foods that can help keep these little beasts at bay.

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